Thursday, April 16, 2009

here is a row of coins

I haven't written on this thing for a long time. and I don't think that anybody has really noticed at all... haha but that is ok. I have been super busy doing work. I hate work. My life right now is work and sleep and work and play... Then sleep. Then work. But be tired at work. Everynight I have to make a decision if I should go to sleep early or hang out and go to work tired. I usually choose to hang out. I would rather look back on memories with my friends than try and remember cool dreams I had while sleeping. Here's one: my dad got a truck and it has a bench seat so my friends and I drove through bountiful with country music blaring all sitting in the front bench seat. What a stupid thing to do. We stopped at Keva Juice, Yoghurt Stop, and Baskin and Robbins. Got our snacks and went back home. Its a small dumb thing but I love things like that. Plus being tired isn't all that bad. except in the mornings. I drive to work with my Dad at 530 in the morning every morning and I am the worst passenger. I dont talk and when he tries to talk to me I mumble something grumpily under my breath. I hope he knows that I love him though.
Anyways. I was sitting here this morning.. (I skipped work today because I have to get a haircut.those things take a long time.) as a disclaimer I admit that sometimes I do OCD things like jump over cracks on large slabs of cement, otherwise known as sidewalks... Or at resturaunts I will stack dirty dishes on top of one another... its a weird thing I do. I have all these coins on my desk and I lined them up from biggest to smallest and then made rows of them... well i noticed that all of the coins where facing the same way except the pennies. I celebrate differences. even little ones. this is a little one but it is neat.
My life is best when it is full of these small pennies of experiences (even if some of them are seemingly negative)... haha this is so lame. But, if you have a hundred little pennies you have a dollar bill, with a hundred dollar bills you have a hundred dollars... haha with a hundred hundred dollar bills you have 10,000 dollars... every little thing counts I guess. Soon enough you will be a rich man or woman. So thats all I guess.


  1. thank you for making me aware of your blog. sure love ya. and your pennies.

  2. and guess what Justin... that one little penny can save your bank account going into overdraft... and then THEY - the bank - will charge you a minimum of $19.00 overdraft fee.. and then they might still process it through... or they might not... and if they don't then there are more charges by those others who ran the charge because you said they could run the charge because you thought that there was money in the account but now because of the fact that there wasn't enough money in that account there will now be less money in that account... and then you will wish you had picked up that penny you saw in the gutter the day before. :)

  3. Did you know that pennies are made of zinc and copper plating because the amount of copper needed to make a cent coin is more valuable than one cent? Pretty amusing, I think.
